Category: Dance Interrogations

  • Cabin Fever returns

    Cabin Fever returns

    After four years I’m bringing back my site specific solo performance, Cabin Fever. When covid arrived just at the end of my 2020 season at Adelaide Fringe, I thought I would never again be able to perform this very intimate exchange for eight bodies (plus mine) inside a cosy 1979 Windsor caravan. But now that…

  • The Improvisor’s Podcast

    The Improvisor’s Podcast

    Kevin Jeynes and Neil Thomas, two Melbourne-based improvisors, have created a series of interviews with improvisors called “The Improvisor’s Podcast.” I was honoured to be asked to contribute #4  A great collection of conversations with improvisation artists working across a range of mediums. Follow this fantastic archive             …

  • Yield—Dance.Focus commission from Dance Hub SA

    Yield—Dance.Focus commission from Dance Hub SA

    My latest screendance “Yield” has just premiered as part of Dance Hub SA’s Dance.Focus commission for 2022. About Yield: Yield, is inspired in title by Tara June Winch’s novel “The Yield” in which she describes ‘yield’ or ‘baayanha’ as “the things you give to, the movement, the space between things.” This project honours the…

  • Yesterday’s Skeleton—a biopic

    On 27 December 2020 my biopic “Yesterday’s Skeleton” was launched live on the Dance Hub SA Facebook page. In these first few weeks of its release it has chalked up 2.6K views and lots of terrific feedback. My 60 minute film is a physical etching on dance as a life practice and life as a…

  • Mind The Gap Residency

    I am excited to announce that I am the recipient of The Mind The Gap Residency, which is a partnership between Dance Hub SA and Tasmania’s award winning dance company, Tasdance. In 2019 the Residency  provides a SA-based artist the opportunity to create, research, build upon and stretch their creative parameters during a week of…

  • Cabin Fever

    Adelaide Fringe 2019 I premiered a new site specific work a couple of weeks ago at the Adelaide Fringe to great responses from audiences and reviewers. Cabin Fever not only got 5 star reviews but also won the Adelaide Fringe Bank SA weekly award for Best Dance! Read the Adelaide Fringe 2019 Review by Theatre…

  • Guest poet at Poet’s Corner

    I am honoured to have been invited to read as one of the local guests at Poets Corner this coming Sunday 25 March 6-8pm at the BBC Cafe, 665/667 Point Nepean Rd, McCrae. Rick Boland is the other local featuring with me between the open mike sets.          Bookings essential: PH 59820295…

  • Dance Interrogations in Ten Days on the Island 2017

    Dance Interrogations in Ten Days on the Island 2017

      Dance Interrogations just keeps evolving thanks to the support of Salamanca Arts and Ten Days on the Island. The work began as my solo in an underground tunnel at the 2012 Adelaide Fringe, then a blacked out hotel room at the 2012 Edinburgh Fringe, relocated into a train carriage at the 2013 Melbourne Fringe, and…

  • Interrogating practice—12 November 2016

    Interrogating practice—12 November 2016

    video witnessing   After watching Mel standing against the wall, I stood still and saw myself “watching” (or hearing, or feeling) at different stages in my life—from a child, past the present, to eventually laying face down.   Mel reflecting on Dianne’s solo descending to the floor:   An envelope arrives Stopping to hear someone’s…

  • A reflection on “Dance Interrogations 2016” —by Tamara Searle

    A reflection on “Dance Interrogations 2016” —by Tamara Searle

      Dance Interrogations 2016: In Contemplation of Fragility and Strength   What is our relationship to the inevitable fallibility of our body? What kind of support will we accept from technologies and from others? Through the lens of a stark and tender portrait of partnership, Dance interrogations 2016 examines our vulnerabilities and resilience.  It is…

  • Text used in Dance Interrogations 2016

    Text used in Dance Interrogations 2016

    The following is text used in the video or audio of Dance Interrogations 2016 by Dianne Reid and Melinda Smith.     Journey to Emma’s House (by Dianne Reid, 2008)   They are climbing a snowy slope. Their feet scrape, slip. Breath in little clouds in front of their faces. …women climbing, pioneers, no footprints…

  • Journal article “Improcinemania” published in Brolga 40

    Journal article “Improcinemania” published in Brolga 40

    I am pleased to announce that the latest edition of Brolga is online featuring six papers on dance improvisation. I am in good company with Melbourne colleagues Olivia Millard (also editor of this edition), Shaun McLeod, Jason Marchant, Peter Fraser and Anne Scott Wilson. Find it here Brolga 40

  • A response to “Dance Interrogations (a diptych)” by Jaye Hayes

    A response to “Dance Interrogations (a diptych)” by Jaye Hayes

        the disorient express an expression of proximity to the angle of loss the moving within parameters, without direction frame & shift, my body & hers I meet her gaze, I feel her grief mirror mine I am hollow I am rattled I am moving still I have taken this train before but this…

  • Dance Interrogations (a diptych)

    Dance Interrogations (a diptych)

    Just a month out from the Melbourne Fringe season of my next development of Dance Interrogations—this time (a diptych), a two part event across two locations, a couple of hours apart. This is a reworking and refinement of the “Dance interrogations (in the red train)” solo from 2013 and the 2014 duet “Unbecoming” with Melinda…

  • DSW


    My 2015 screendance DSW gets its first (international) screening at the Dance Film Festival UK on Saturday August 8. It will be screened all day as part of the Private Cinema Installation at O2 Think Big Hub, Hoxton Square, London, N1 6NT. This screendance was created as an artefact of my evolving performance practice with Melinda…

  • A love poem for the red rattler

    A love poem for the red rattler

        red rattler We began as a clumsy collision our bodies bumping and bruising with each dance of the carriage a rattling rumba… ti ti ka ti, ti ti ka ti, 1 2 & 3, now where are we? We try to make each other fit, etch ourselves upon the other We spend time…

  • Dance Interrogations (in the red train)

    Dance Interrogations (in the red train)

    I have just edited the video documentation of a couple of performances of the Melbourne Fringe Festival season in the red train at CERES watch on YouTube

  • Dance Interrogations…some audience responses

    “she is crawling towards me, she is taking a journey, it’s not sentimental, it’s an investigation in motion, she’s travelling through time. the landscape changes, the foundations sink, it makes me think about all the times I’ve wondered if it’s time to stop, but the rhythm continues under our feet, the dance takes us &…

  • hipsync @ Tertiary Dance Week

    hipsync @ Tertiary Dance Week

    For those of you who missed out on my recent season in the red train… or those who just want another look… I am presenting a gallery-tailored version at Dancehouse as part of Tertiary Dance Week Dance Interrogations at Dancehouse Nov 16 & 17 at 5pm. Information Bookings: I am also running a Shared…

  • Dance Interrogations in its second week

    Dance Interrogations in its second week

    The Melbourne Fringe may be over… but the Dance Interrogations continue in the red train at CERES Thursday 10 – Saturday 12 October at 7pm. Bookings through Trybooking