I am excited to announce that I am the recipient of The Mind The Gap Residency, which is a partnership between Dance Hub SA and Tasmania’s award winning dance company, Tasdance. In 2019 the Residency provides a SA-based artist the opportunity to create, research, build upon and stretch their creative parameters during a week of dedicated creativity and focus in Launceston – home to Tasdance. There is an expectation that the successful artist will present a showing on the last day of the residency. Residency Dates: Monday Oct 21 – Friday Oct 25 inclusive
My proposed project is titled “Yesterday’s Skeleton—a self portrait—Here lies a burden lifted, under a blanket of fables”
My project will focus on developing recorded materials for a documentary/bio pic—a physical etching on dance as a life practice and life as a dance/screen practice. Through an interrogation of my current practice and an historical unpacking of my dance trajectory, I hope to bring issues of body, sustain/ability, independence and community cooperation to the surface. Over the week I would gather materials of self-portraiture—filming of scored physical practice, audio recordings of interview (questions gathered from previous collaborators and/or local community), traversal of local landscape as camera/viewer, interactions between live body and projected imagery. These materials could be edited into a screendance or “bio pic”, or inform a future live work, or develop into a community project.
Thank you Dance Hub SA, I’m honoured to be a part of the newly rebranded organisation for independent dance in South Australia!