Category: screendance

  • Yield—Dance.Focus commission from Dance Hub SA

    Yield—Dance.Focus commission from Dance Hub SA

    My latest screendance “Yield” has just premiered as part of Dance Hub SA’s Dance.Focus commission for 2022. About Yield: Yield, is inspired in title by Tara June Winch’s novel “The Yield” in which she describes ‘yield’ or ‘baayanha’ as “the things you give to, the movement, the space between things.” This project honours the…

  • Yesterday’s Skeleton—a biopic

    On 27 December 2020 my biopic “Yesterday’s Skeleton” was launched live on the Dance Hub SA Facebook page. In these first few weeks of its release it has chalked up 2.6K views and lots of terrific feedback. My 60 minute film is a physical etching on dance as a life practice and life as a…

  • Creative screendance exchange

    Creative screendance exchange

    Emma Wilson is an ex dance student of mine (Deakin University) and a dancer in one of my early screendance works “Neglect“ A few months ago she got back in touch asking if I would be interested in being part of a mentoring/creative exchange project with her. The result was two months of virtual exchange…

  • Communal Bloom Strategy

    Communal Bloom Strategy

    Another great initiative from Dance Hub SA that I am pleased to be a recipient of is the Dance.Focus project, supporting the making of 4 new screendance works to be screened online from August 17. My proposal, Communal Bloom Strategy brings together a group of dancers with whom I danced or studied in the 1980’s…

  • Dance Documentary Screening and Artist Q & A at ReelHeART, Canada

    Dance Documentary Screening and Artist Q & A at ReelHeART, Canada

        Mel and I will be Skyping in to Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts (Canada) early on Saturday 22nd June after the screening of our documentary “Nothing But Bones in the Way” for a post screening discussion on “Dance, Disability and the Human Condition in the Arts.” This is part of the 15th Annual ReelHeART International…

  • 15th National Rural Health Conference

    At the end of March I was invited by producer/dance artist extraordinaire, Kelly Drummond Cawthon, to be part of the ‘Arts and Health’ component of the National Rural Health Conference in Hobart. It was a huge event with over a thousand delegates who could watch a collection of my films running on loop on the…

  • Flings with Strings

    Flings with Strings

    It was a wonderful night at the Abbotsford Convent’s ‘Oratory’ on Wednesday 17 February with special guest cellist Jo Quail. I also screened my latest screendance “Faldinghurst” featuring Gülsen Özer (also featuring the music of Jo Quail). See video documentation of the evening HERE

  • DSW


    My 2015 screendance DSW gets its first (international) screening at the Dance Film Festival UK on Saturday August 8. It will be screened all day as part of the Private Cinema Installation at O2 Think Big Hub, Hoxton Square, London, N1 6NT. This screendance was created as an artefact of my evolving performance practice with Melinda…

  • Light Moves Screendance Festival

    I recently returned from this wonderful event, Ireland’s inaugural Festival of Screendance. Light Moves   It was another of many highlights in this busy year of travel and performances. Congratulations to curators Mary Wycherley and Jürgen Simpson, and Dance Limerick’s Jenny Traynor and Lisa Hallinan for such a rich and smooth running program. I was involved in…

  • International Journal of Screendance (Vol 4)

    International Journal of Screendance (Vol 4)

    At last Volume 4 of the International Journal of Screendance is up online My article “Fleshing the interface” sits alongside my close colleague Ami Skånberg Dahlstedt’s in the ‘Provocations and Viewpoints’ section IJS Vol 4

  • Field Trip

    Field Trip

    I have just returned from a very full five weeks connecting with international dance and screendance colleagues. First stop was Angers, France for the World Dance Alliance Global Summit (July 6–11). A massive event including a couple of hundred conference papers and performances. I attended some great presentations from Gretchen Schiller, Sarah Whatley, Julia Ritter,…