Category: AiR at ADT

  • Gathering


    Gathering Here is a collection of the danced/spoken/filmed interactions I had with some dancers with connections to Australian Dance Theatre, while on my residency there in June 2021. Thanks to Aidan Munn, Lisa Heaven, Peter Sheedy, Alison Currie, Sarah Munn, Carol Wellman Kelly and Elizabeth Cameron Dalman. Original compositions by Stuart Day and other music…

  • End of Residency Showings

    End of Residency Showings

    Alex, one of the new people I met at my open classes, asked “What do you do as an artist in residence?”   A residency is a haven—time and space to wonder, wander, converse, consider… It is time away from the independent artist finances hunt and a studio space in which to gather community, to…

  • Week 5 into 6

    Week 5 into 6

    Not so many words this entry…all the energy into the editing of the many interactions (live and online) in preparation for the end of residency showing this coming Thursday 1st July 2021. But here’s a taster of that… This residency has been kindly supported by Australian Dance Theatre’s Artist in Residence/ICC Program.      

  • Week 4 — editing/transcribing

    Week 4 — editing/transcribing

    I began the editing process of the bodies in the void (local dancers filmed in the blacked out space in the Tanya Liedtke studio) and transcribing the video edited sequence onto the live body. Stuart Day is working with their audio interviews to create a soundscape. Aidan Munn has been my in-studio colleague in this…

  • Week 3 — Gathering

    Week 3 — Gathering

    Local community Having access to a live studio space (with excellent internet speed!) has meant I have been able to gather a community to share a screen/dance practice. In addition to 14 dance practitioners (7 live in the studio, and 7 via the “Zoomasphere”) there has been another 15 coming to the classes I have…

  • Week 2 merging into 3

    Week 2 merging into 3

    A big 2nd week blurring into the 3rd a mix of live shoots (Aidan Munn, Alison Currie, Elizabeth Cameron Dalman) and virtual conversations/creative exchanges (Emma Wilson (Qld), Simon Ellis (UK), and Zoë Dunwoodie (SA but in Perth) discussions verbal and physical.. How to get close from a distance? Reminders about sensation and imagination Choreographing connection…

  • Week 1: Screendance Studio — virtual undoings

    Week 1: Screendance Studio — virtual undoings

    On Monday 24 May I began my residency in the Tanya Liedtke Studio at the Australian Dance Theatre as part of their International Centre for Choreography AiR program. Over these six weeks I am developing ideas that have come up from recent projects. One is realising an online creative exchange with other screendance practitioners—a “Screendance…

  • Artist in Residence – International Centre for Choreography, Australian Dance Theatre

    Artist in Residence – International Centre for Choreography, Australian Dance Theatre

    “Screendance Studio—virtual undoings” I have just begun my six weeks in the Tanya Liedtke studio as artist in residence at the ADT’s International Centre for Choreography. With this artistic residency I want to develop ideas arising from a paper I wrote for The International Journal of Screendance Vol. 4 in 2014 titled “Fleshing the Interface”…