Author: Dianne Reid

  • Light Moves Screendance Festival

    I recently returned from this wonderful event, Ireland’s inaugural Festival of Screendance. Light Moves   It was another of many highlights in this busy year of travel and performances. Congratulations to curators Mary Wycherley and Jürgen Simpson, and Dance Limerick’s Jenny Traynor and Lisa Hallinan for such a rich and smooth running program. I was involved in…

  • International Journal of Screendance (Vol 4)

    International Journal of Screendance (Vol 4)

    At last Volume 4 of the International Journal of Screendance is up online My article “Fleshing the interface” sits alongside my close colleague Ami Skånberg Dahlstedt’s in the ‘Provocations and Viewpoints’ section IJS Vol 4

  • Field Trip

    Field Trip

    I have just returned from a very full five weeks connecting with international dance and screendance colleagues. First stop was Angers, France for the World Dance Alliance Global Summit (July 6–11). A massive event including a couple of hundred conference papers and performances. I attended some great presentations from Gretchen Schiller, Sarah Whatley, Julia Ritter,…

  • A love poem for the red rattler

    A love poem for the red rattler

        red rattler We began as a clumsy collision our bodies bumping and bruising with each dance of the carriage a rattling rumba… ti ti ka ti, ti ti ka ti, 1 2 & 3, now where are we? We try to make each other fit, etch ourselves upon the other We spend time…

  • Dance Interrogations…some audience responses

    “she is crawling towards me, she is taking a journey, it’s not sentimental, it’s an investigation in motion, she’s travelling through time. the landscape changes, the foundations sink, it makes me think about all the times I’ve wondered if it’s time to stop, but the rhythm continues under our feet, the dance takes us &…